Prices start from $6 per student plus GST (as of 1 Jan. 2024). Package rates available for multiple year level bookings and whole of school programs. Minimum numbers apply, please contact us for more information.
Prices start from $6 per student plus GST (as of 1 Jan. 2024). Package rates available for multiple year level bookings and whole of school programs. Minimum numbers apply, please contact us for more information.
Inspire Entrepreneurship Program
The Inspire Entrepreneurship Program is a premium,
multi-term, experiential learning opportunity. Students learn the foundational skills to think like and to be an entrepreneur. Learning takes place through a range of active learning exercises over the course of the term to build a base of transferable skills.
Student well-being is at an all-time low, and it's important for us as educators to address this issue. Our 2024 programs have been updated and expanded to focus more on the Entrepreneurial Mindset. We understand that there are no 'silver bullets' for well-being, but we believe that introducing students to the world of entrepreneurship can have a positive impact on their overall well-being.
Read more about our Brisbane class featured in Education Today or here in Education Matters.
Our programs include a Social Impact Venture! See our 2022 Term 2 venture featured in the news here and here! Learning about entrepreneurship while creating value for others is a powerful combination.
The Inspire Entrepreneurship Program is offered as an enrichment program and can be delivered as a Before, During or After-School program.
How It Maps To The Curriculum
- General Capabilities
- Y 5-6 HASS Economics and Business,
- Y 7-10 Economics and Business Knowledge & Understanding
- Design and Technologies Process and Production strand
- English > Literacy > Interacting with others
- Mathematics > Number & Algebra > Money & Financial Mathematics
Pay It Forward Program
Looking for an engaging and fun incursion to bring your Economics and Business lessons to life? Look no further!!!
This fun and engagin incursion enables students to
How It Maps To The Curriculum
School Pitch Festival
Just like a Debate or Chess competition, a Pitch competition is perfect for School Association Inter-school days, sports days, or just a fun and engaging way to complement your current business and commerce curriculum.
Just like a Debate or Chess competition, a Pitch competition is perfect for School Association Inter-school days, sports days, or just a fun and engaging way to complement your current business and commerce curriculum.
This program introduces students to entrepreneurship by teaching them how to pitch their ideas. Our coaches work with the students on ideation, opportunity analysis, and effective presentation skills. Students work in teams to identify problems, brainstorm solutions, and then use their persuasive skills to communicate their ideas.
Each group prepares and presents a 3 minute pitch with help from our coach's.
Get 5 or more schools together and we can host an Inter-School Pitch Festival. It's like having a crystal ball and peering into the future, today!
Each group prepares and presents a 3 minute pitch with help from our coach's.
Get 5 or more schools together and we can host an Inter-School Pitch Festival. It's like having a crystal ball and peering into the future, today!
Entrepreneur in Residence
Do you want to differentiate your school from the rest? Are you ready for the full experience?
- Dedicated team of resources for your school
- Full program delivery plus drop in hours
- Activate and engage with your Alumni Community
- Business community integration
- Innovation resource for school use
- Integrated curriculum